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Ink, Notre Dame de Paris by Paul LECOMTE | Galerie Saint Martin Antiquités Paris

Ink, Notre Dame de Paris by Paul LECOMTE

Ink, Notre Dame de Paris by Paul LECOMTE


LECOMTE Paul or Leconte (184-1920)
French landscape painter, watercolourist.

Further information

Dimensions 40 × 30.5 cm

A student of Emile Lambinet, he participated in the Paris Salon from 1880 onwards,
obtaining an honourable mention in 1882,
a third class medal in 1888, a second class medal in 1895.
He also received an honourable mention at the 1889 Universal Exhibition and a silver medal at the 1900 Exhibition in Paris.

These landscapes are of a great and fine technique, very declarative in the direct line of the heritage of the school of BARBIZON

bibliogr. GéraJd Schurr, in: Les Petits Maîtres de la peinture 1820-1920, valeur de demain, Les Éditions de l'Amateur, t. LL Paris, 1982.